Fridays use to be fun when you were getting out of school at 2:00 and had the whole weekend ahead of you to do nothing. Not in waitress world! Fridays are the start of my work week, they are also what Hubster and I call 'say goodbye to your paycheck' day. Bills all get paid on Fridays, cue sad face.  The weekend brings birthday celebrations for a friend turning 30 and 2 sorority sisters turing 25. Saturday night will be split between both of those. 

Today, I also have to meet with my Academic Advisor on campus and pray that I can stay in my AP2 class "illegally" while retaking AP1 over the summer. Quite frankly if you pass the class, you pass the class, don't put some bogus grade requirement on it that you do NOT tell students about, well ever through out the semester. {rant over}

After today I will be setting myself up for my new routine of food prep, running training and getting my behind back into the gym. When I say "new" I want to throw out there I am no stranger to all of this, I just need to revamp how I was doing all of this before.  Today restarted the use of my amazing juicer, recipes as I go can be found here

Well I think that's it for a boring day today. Off to do the house work and other necessary tasks.
